Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stupid Year 9's!!!!

Again with the Scene.
Way Home.
Fat Kid.
Ass Hole bus driver.
OK the fat kid is pissing around with the back door so ass hole bus driver tells him to move up to the front, right next to me.
So me and friends are chatting away happily when suddenly he butts into our conversation. So I tell him to sod off. unfortunatly he doesnt so we banter for a bit and drift of into our own seperate conversations.
When he butts in again (before this there has been a tad of 'banter' between us) so again i tell him to fuck off but he continues so I tell him to fuck off fat-kid so theres a bit more 'banter' between us. And eventually he hits me!!
It didnt even hurt. The only sort of phyisical injury i recived was where my glasses hit my face. so haha fat-kid!!
what a dick!!! So he trys again and I deflect it awsomely!!!
I tell the bus driver and he kicks him off the bus, which is fair, but then a few stops (at my friend kiryls stop) he tells me to get off, I wasnt reluctant as fat-kid, or even at all I just said bye and left.
I then went to kirlys house and home from there.

The 2 things that made me Funking angry about this was that
#1 The fat-kid's an ass hole and i didnt get a hit in
#2 The bus driver kicked me off even though I was the one who got assulted.

So shame on you Red Bus driver you suck 1/10

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