Friday, April 10, 2009


Easter: They day when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. A very noble thing to do and we should celebrate accordingly. However due to big companies such as Hallmark, the celebration of Easter has become matterial. If you ask a child what Easter means they will most likely say Chocolate Eggs, very few children will say 'The celebration of the redemption of our ancestors'. Because of the state of the world Easter has lost its true meaning, its true purpose, it used to be a joyous celebration of love and togetherness. Unfortunatly these ideals have been thrown out the window to be replaced by chocolate eggs and the easter bunny.

Hallmark is the sole proprietor of this and it is them I am angry at.
Hallmark has distroyed the true meaning of every holiday, from Christmas to Hanukkah by making cheap trinkets and cards.

So Bugger you Hallmark. Go stick your cards where the sun don't shine!


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