Friday, May 15, 2009

Angels and Demons

The Book 10/10.
The Film 3/10.

This is just another reason Hollywood should keep itself to itself. The film adaptation of Dan Brown's masterpeice was a huge let down. With numerous minor differences and multiple major differences it was, quite bluntly, crap.
The main scapegoat (Maximilian Kohler) is omitted.
Cardinal Baggia is branded but does not drown.
The antimatter cannister has interchangeable batteries.
Robert Langdon never visits CERN.
The antimatter cannister does not have a 24hour timer, but a bar timer.
Langdon is not in the Papal helicopter with the Camerlengo.
The Illuminati Diamond is replaced by two crossed keys.
The Hassassin never kidnaps Vittoria.
Langdon and the Hassassin never have an underwater duel.

And those are just some of the differences that cause the film to get such a low score.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

What was all the fuss about?

I watched Twilight last night and overall (crap vampire myth following aside) it was OK. But I have no idea what everyone was bitching about its wasn't even that good a film.
Now to dive into the crap vampire myth following...where do I start...
#1 They don't drink human blood they 'restrain' themselves
#2 They NEVER sleep, even in coffins
#3 They dont die in direct sunlight, their skin just shines like diamonds
#4 They can cross running water (real vampires die)
#5 They can't fly
#6 They have both reflections and shadows
#7 They can't turn into animals
#8 They can be killed without a stake through the heart
#9 They don't have to lug the soil from where they died around
...and those are just nine of the reasons that twilight was Crap
Twilight: 1/10 Sub-average