Saturday, May 9, 2009

What was all the fuss about?

I watched Twilight last night and overall (crap vampire myth following aside) it was OK. But I have no idea what everyone was bitching about its wasn't even that good a film.
Now to dive into the crap vampire myth following...where do I start...
#1 They don't drink human blood they 'restrain' themselves
#2 They NEVER sleep, even in coffins
#3 They dont die in direct sunlight, their skin just shines like diamonds
#4 They can cross running water (real vampires die)
#5 They can't fly
#6 They have both reflections and shadows
#7 They can't turn into animals
#8 They can be killed without a stake through the heart
#9 They don't have to lug the soil from where they died around
...and those are just nine of the reasons that twilight was Crap
Twilight: 1/10 Sub-average

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